Rotten is a comic series created by Mark Rahner, written by Mark Rahner & Robert Horten, and illustrated by Dan Dougherty. The series is published through Moonstone. Volume One of the series is titled Reactivated, and consists of the first six issues of the ongoing series. The book was published on January 4th, 2011. Here’s [...]
What is this? Every week I like to pull apart Diamond’s confirmed shipping list for the week, and create a list of all of the creator-owned titles that will be arriving in stores that Wednesday. I then use the magic of Flash to pull the details on the books from, and hey presto! Why? [...]
From the press release: Moonstone Entertainment, Inc., a leading publisher of comics and books, has just signed a contract to publish an epic science fiction project called NEUTRAL WORLD, as created by well known comic and pulp writer Ron Fortier and comic superstar artist, Joe Bennett. Bennett, a self-taught Brazilian artist, entered the field in [...]
From the press release: Moonstone Entertainment, Inc., Runemaster Studios, Inc., and Captain Action Enterprises, LLC, the forces behind the upcoming comic series SAVAGE BEAUTY, announced a contest today related to the upcoming February debut of the title. The story of two sisters who fight injustice and right wrongs as jungle heroines in Kenya has garnered [...]