DC Reveals Final Covers for Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #1 - Featuring John Constantine!
By new, I’m assuming everyone knows of the big reveal at the end of Brightest Day #24. If not, I just ruined your day!
Back in March, DC solicited a title called Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search, (see here), with a mysterious cover that showed Superman, Batman, and two blacked-out characters. Then, following Brightest Day #23‘s big reveal, they announced that the true title of the miniseries was Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing (see here). Now that the secret ending of the Brightest Day series has made its way around the internet, DC have decided to reveal who those blacked out characters are: John Constantine and Zatanna.
Constantine was a given in light of the end of Brightest Day, but why did they black out Zatanna? Curious!
Check out the full cover by Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes below, along with an amazing variant by J.G. Jones.

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- DC Reveals the True Title of Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search [Mild Spoilers]
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