First Picture of Bucky from Captain America: The First Avenger Movie


The LA Times’ Hero Complex blog have just posted an interview that they recently conducted with Captain America: The First Avenger director Joe Johnston. As part of the piece they have been provided with the first picture of the movie version of Captain America’s Sidekick, James “Bucky” Barnes, who is played by Sebastian Stan. You can find the image posted below.

I’d also advise checking out the interview, because Johnston reveals some interesting details about the movie version of Bucky, who will apparently be a lot more dark and gritty than he was in the original comics. ”Our Bucky isn’t a sidekick and there’s a darker edge,” says Johnston. Sounds interesting. Winter Soldier, anyone?

Related posts:

  1. Sebastian Stan Lands the Role of Bucky Barnes in ‘The First Avenger: Captain America’
  2. Filming on The First Avenger: Captain America Movie set for a June 2010 Start
  3. ‘Captain America Movie’ to Co-Star The Invaders!
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